Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well, this may not be that exciting for any of you, but Hannah just counted to 100 today for the first time.  We were driving to our firends house just a few blocks away and I had said, dont' worry we will get there before you can count to 100.  And the whole way she was trying to count that hight and Cara and I were laughing because she doesn't know the numbers that high.

So at home I asked her again later, "Can you count to 100?"

She got up to 49 and then got stuck. So I reminder her of 50 and then she got all the way to 89 with prompts only for the ten's.  Well she made it all the way to 100.  Then she went back through and  counted to 100 - counting by 10's this time.

It was pretty cool to see her make that jump.

Anyway.  Now maybe the parable of the lost sheep will mean more to her :)

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