Friday, June 05, 2009

Tipping Point

I recently read the book "The Tipping Point" a book about how small factors can significantly change the course of events surrounding everything from fashion, to disease, to addiction.

It was a book that I thought about reading for some time (Came out in 2000) but had never gotten around to. Recently I found out that my work has a library, where you can check out real books. I called them up in Cleveland and asked if they had this one. They did own 2 copy's. As it turns out, both were lost :(

But much to my surprise, just over a week later a copy showed up on my desk at work. They had gone to the trouble of tracking down a copy at a Wisconsin public library and check it out for me through an inter library loan! Now that is service!

Well, it was a pretty short book, and very interesting. It makes some claims about the very small amount of influence that parents have on their children. I am taking that with a few grains of salt.

Still it is a pretty interesting collections of concepts, that has some application. The message does matter, but it is also as important how you communicate it, how memorable it is, and who the messenger's are.

My rating:
Worth the Read
Good discussion starter