Sunday, March 30, 2008

Skillet Comatose Tour

Nothing beats getting to go to a concert for a band that you love a the last minute...

Skillet was just stunning live at 3*. Thousand Foot Krutch was ok in c0ncert, but Skillet was really grate. It was fun to go hang out with my buddy Will. I think this is the first concert I have been to since 5Fe went under.

I also have to give mad props to my wife for taking the hit for me on a night when I usually hang out with the girls. With less than 24 hours notice she stepped in and let me go see her favorite band without a second thought.

I love being out at 3* in Minneapolis.
I would attach a picture but... for some reason the Cell Phone pics didn't show up so well from in the middle of the mash pit.

Rock on.

1 comment:

Cara said...

ya, that was good of me, wasn't it:)